Gitace History
GITACE, Proficiency in Hot Melt Adhesives
As technology items, adhesives are at the end of the oil industry’s value chain. In comparison to alternative glues (water and solvent-based adhesives), Hot Melt Adhesives are in a unique position due to their strong adhesion, high-speed performance, reduced production time, lower environmental impact, and significant flammability risk.
Our Flourishing Story
Foundation of GITACE
Establishment of the First Factory focused on HOT MELT ADHESIVES in Qazvin, Iran
Nominated as Knowledge-based Corporation by Government
Establishment of companies in China, UAE and Turkey toward agility of Supply chain.
Company product lines included 70 adhesive solutions
Establishment of the Middle East Sales & Marketing Office in UAE
Opened sales office and warehouse in Iraq
Opened 2nd factory in Qazvin, Iran, focused on PSA adhesives and PU solutions.
Opened New Research and Development Lab as 3rd Lab in Tehran, 2020
Opened CIS Sales & Marketing in Moscow
Opened new manufacturing facility in Isfahan, Iran, focused on Woodworking adhesive solutions
Opened Technology & Innovation Center (TIC) in Tehran
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